About me
Hi! I am Asta! I am a philologist and a philocalist to the heart's core. Here I share things that I consider being aesthetic and fantastic!
Ši vasara, nors visai neplanuotai, bet pamažu prisipildė kelionių. Viena iš jų - į pajūrį, kur tiek aš, tiek Vincas nebeprisiminėme, kada paskutinį sykį buvome. Nors planavome ten pasibūti bent tris dienas, tačiau lietus sujaukė visus planus ir vieną gražų penktadienio rytą (su prognozuojama saulėta diena) tiesiog sėdome į automobilį ir patraukėme Klaipėdos link. Planuose buvo keli taškai: Klaipėdos senamiestis, Olando kepurė, Palangos gintaro muziejus, Birutės kalnas, jūra ir Kretingos r. esantis japoniškas sodas. Šiuos visus punktus sėkmingai aplankėme, tad dalinuosi akimirkomis iš mūsų daugiau nei 700 km vienos dienos kelionės! :)
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This summer, unexpectedly, became summer of journeys. One of them was to the seaside because Vincas and I couldn't remember when was the last time we saw the Baltic sea. Our first plan was to stay longer and enjoy sandy beaches, wind and sun, but rain came and it was no longer possible (sunbathing in the rain? No, thanks). So, one sunny friday morning, we just got into our car and set Klaipėda as our destination. There were few spots we wanted to visit: Oldtown of Klaipėda, a hill called The Dutchman's Cap (Olando kepurė), Amber Museum in Palanga, the Hill of Birutė and Japanese Garden in region of Kretinga. We managed to see all these places, so, even I'm a little bit late with photos, but I would like to share few moments from our journey!
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