About me

Hi! I am Asta! I am a philologist and a philocalist to the heart's core. Here I share things that I consider being aesthetic and fantastic!

8 Sept 2019

Summer Summed Up

It's September once again and although it still feels quite summery outside, you barely can miss the signs of early autumn: cooler nights, heavily dewy mornings, withered leaves crackling under your feet. I kind of long for this sweather weather time that awaits us, but at the same time my mind drifts to the sunny moments from this summer. And since I was not able to produce much of a content (to put it nicely) during this season, I thought that squeezing those past three months into one blog post is a good idea. Let's see if I was right!

Maybe I should start with the fact that during this summer I managed to finish my PhD thesis. It was the main reason why my blog was inactive for months. Writing, thinking, and editing took so much of my time and energy, that trying to write a blog post was just too much for me at that time. Now, as I slowly begin to recover (yes, I use this word here consciously) and just spend my time  working and waiting for the defense of the thesis (less than 3 weeks left!..), I start remembering that there were lots of nice and heartwarming moments next to those hours and days of labor. Many of those moments I experienced with my family and friends. Some of them came while I was working. 
   I had some trips this year. Some of them were because of my work/studies, for example, my visit to Kaunas. I just love going to this city, and since I was able to combine some urgent matters and meeting with my friends (aaand shopping in Humana Vintage), I was able to have a very pleasant day! 

This summer I also visited Kernavė, where me and my friends celebrated St. Jonh's day (or, to be more precise, night)! It was my first time going there during this event, so it was very interesting to see the legendary festivities with my own eyes.

Speaking about first times: this summer I had my very first trip to Jurbarkas! I've heard so much about this town from my colleague at work, but never had a chance to go there. Until this July! I went to a seminar and during the four days that I stayed there, I was able to enjoy the scenery of this very beautiful corner of Lithuania.

BirÅŸai was also one of the places that I frequented this summer. Mostly because of the market, but I also love the atmosphere of this town, so it's always a pleasure to stroll the streets there.

This summer I also managed to visit my homeland a lot more often. Some occasions were joyous, some - not so much... But each time I was there, I tried to immerse myself into the surroundings that I left 11 years ago. To find a new connection with those places that were and still are so dear to me.

Last, but not the least is Vilnius. This summer I explored my city  and its surroundings on many occasions, updating the map inside my head, finding new cute cafes, drinking beer or whiskey with my friends at my favorite places in the old town, visiting museums with my colleagues... I can say for sure that Vilnius is one of the most charming cities I've ever seen, and although I've been walking its streets for more than a decade now, it still manages to leave me speechless (and I mean it in a good way).

As I am, to quote "Pink Floyd", coming back to life, I rediscovered my hobbies - drawing, reading, studying the culture of whiskey and perfume, and also my latest one - gardening. I do hope that my work-life balance will get on track sooner or later, and this summer can be considered as a final paragraphs of a book that contains one decade of my life.

I hope that your summer was also full of adventures and moments that'll warm your heart during the cold months that await us! 
   If you want to follow my (mostly) daily adventures - here's my Instagram! See you in my next post!

Photos © aesthastic
