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Hi! I am Asta! I am a philologist and a philocalist to the heart's core. Here I share things that I consider being aesthetic and fantastic!

19 Mar 2020

Fragrance Discoveries | Byredo

Dear spring is here and even though many of us are contained in our flats or houses due to the pandemic, there are still many ways to enjoy the season. I begun with pinning some ideas to my Spring Moodboard on Pinterest, buying some fresh flowers, and a new scent from Byredo. Currently, with three different aromas in my modest perfume collection, it's about time to elaborate more on why am I so fond of this Swedish company and their fragrant creations.

I stumbled upon Byredo in one of those chic perfume stores where sometimes I sneak in to test a new fragrance on my skin before investing in it (yes, niche perfume for me is an investment, and I do really hate myself sometimes for having such an expensive hobby...). I tried Gypsy Water, Eleventh HourBibliothÚque, and out of those three only the last one was that really suited me, with it's soft leather and peach combination. So BibliothÚque became my go-to aroma and I use it quite often (it's perfect for autumn and early winter). 
Last December, just before the New Year's Eve, I discovered Bal D'Afrique, a fragrance with such a delicate note of vetiver, that I just had to have it. This time it's the La Tulipe that caught my attention. 

As most of fragrances in my perfume collection can be described with notes of wood, leather, incense, amber, smoke, I wanted something light, green, and a little bit powderish. La Tulipe (The Tulip) has all of that. On my skin, it blooms as fresh, sunlit tulips, with a light note of freesia, and other sweet, green undertones. I also sense a note of powder, although it is not in the initial composition. However, as you know, all fragrances act differently depending on individual's skin, so for me it might be powder, for somebody else - completely different notes.  
All in all, it's a delicate, even fragile scent, but it liberates and encourages to feel the spring with every cell of your body. Cannot wait to surround myself in it and bring it to the streets. I hope that this spring would not pass by while watching it through the windows...

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